Tuesday 19 January 2010

Mainstream and Independent Films

Mainstream and Independent
Films (The Budget)

Mainstream and Independent films differ greatly in many respects. However there is generaly one factor that can overshadow all others when comparing these two types of films. Namingly budget. With mainstream blockbuster Avatar having a budget of no less than $300 million dollars, many people argue we are now entering an era where things have gone too far.

"James Cameron's epic" as its being labeled, was indeed a visually stunning film with an engaging plot and cast, the improvement of the 3D element made the film arguably more exciting than just "another sci - fi flick" to quote critics. But was it really worth $300 million? The plot engaging as it was fell into many of the basic cliches of a mainstream movie and lacked any suprises or twists. Much like the CGI laced films before it: Transformers, Ironman, Star Wars etc.. it was enjoyable but lacked any controversial ideas that would be expected in any lower budget movie.

However, independent fans do not need to feel threatened by the Avatar giants of today, if $15 thousand dollar horror flick "Paranormal Activity" has anything to say. Independtly made, written and directed by Oren Peli, Paranormal Activity has alread made $100 million dollars before DvD sales. Although nowhere near the several billion dollars achieved by Avatar, Paranormal activity is just one example of an independent film that has shown the world budget does not necesserily determine the greatness of a film.

1 comment:

  1. Good some interesting comments on two recent releases.
