Wednesday 20 January 2010

Femal Actors in Thriller Films

Female Actors in Thriller Films

The opening scene of our thriller production will feature strongly the role of a femmefatale. For this reason i decided to do some in depth reserch into the roles of women in various thriller films

Arguably one of the more recognisable women known for playing important and engaging roles in various thriller films including Flightplan, Panic Room and Inside Man is jodie Foster. I decided to do an open screning to some friends and family to ask for their views on the role of jodie foster in Flightplan, and what makes her and women in general such powerful figures in the thriller genre.

Background on Female characters in thrillers

Arguably one of the most iconic images in thriller history, involving a femmefatale is that of the shower scene in Physco (as seen above.) The murderous scene both shocking and brilliant was very inspirational in the planning of our thriller opening due to the chilling image of the knife and the helplessness of the femmefatale.

During the recent filming of out thriller we have used inspiration from Physco to create our very own shadow scene. We used lighting to project the shadow of a knife stabbing down into our unsuspecting shop assistant and I believe the shot works really well. Unlike physco however we did not use a shower scene and instead used a basement. The basement allowed us to acheive a spooky/exciting atmosphere aswell as acheive some very powerful shots.


  1. This is a great idea - have you done this? I will be interested to discover the results.

  2. Adam - can you look at three other aspects of thriller.

  3. You need to include this information or something similar in your Label G321 Thriller Planning in order to strengthen your mark in this component.
