Friday 13 November 2009

Media Film Consumption Task

Film Consumption Task

For my task, I decided to pick two key areas to research. These two areas were, "Marital status" and "Film Consumption"

The aim of my research, was to see whether or not, marital status has a direct implication as to where a person views a film.

I decided, to ask thirty people, (ten from each marital category - to make it fair) their preffered way to consume films, I then put all the data into a graph to show the outcomes. Once this was complete I asked several why they preffered the option they chose, and also did a brief questionnaire on favoured Cinemas.

Graph Of Results - Marital Status/Favoured Consumption
Here, is the graph of results (Click To Enlarge) that I recived after inputting the data gained from the questionnaire. The results mainly go as I would expect them too, such as the majority of people "In a relationship" preferring to consume films at the cinema. However, there were some suprises such as the large gap between amount of films watched on TV by married couples and those in a relationship. I was also suprised by the fact none of the thirty people questioned chose the option of watching a film on the computer as their preffered way of viewing a film. I must note again though, that due to only thirty people being interviewed these findings may lack relevance to a questionnaire handed out to thousands of members of the public.

Graph Results - Preffered CinemaHere, are the results from my second question ("Favoured Norwich Cinema"), set out in a pie chart (Click To Enlarge). The results again were mainly as expected, with Norwich favourites Vue and ODEON contesting for top spot. Unfortuneately as expected Cinema City was down at the bottom of the chart closely followed by Hollywood Cinema. When asked to why the choice people chose was chosen, the general feedback suggested Vue and ODEON offered a far better atmosphere, appropriate film screening times and a very good selection of up to date films to choose from. My results seem to suggest even at the current economical climate people are generaly happy to spend a little extra money to watch a recent release at a well known cinema chain.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Adam - some simple but interesting initial research into marketing and consumption and you have analysed your findings well.
