Friday 6 November 2009

British Advert

Perfume Advert

Here, is my finished perfume/cologne advert. My main idea, was the use of the red arrows, I used the red arrows, as i wanted my advert to feel british, but at the same time I wanted it to differ from the general idea of Britishness meaning Red busses/Beefeaters/London Sights etc.

To start off, I used photoshop to create my actual perfume bottle. I found an image of a blank bottle that seemed appropriate and cropped it to a decent size, I then added an image of a British bulldog ontop, to add the feeling of britishness and pride. Once my bottle was complete i began a search for a suitable Red Arrows image. I used the image i did, due to the fact the image really shows the beauty and magnificence of the planes, the way the trailing smoke of red/white and blue (also coloures of the union jack) melt into the sky gives a feeling of beauty and pride.

"Movement" is the title given to my perfume, I chose this due to the fact it suggests that by using this product you are part of something big and british. Movement also fits in with the way the Red Arrows glide through the sky trailing their iconic coloured smoke. I chose "Fly Your Colours" as my slogon as very much like the product name it suggests you are part of something big, and that by using this product you are showing the world you are proud to be british.

I wanted to use an appropriate font for my advert, that would resemble my design and not look out of place. The font I used fits well with my design, the way each letter links together looks similar to the way the Red arrows weave inbetween each other and i am pleased with this connection.

I am generaly pleased with the outcome of my advert, I believe the use of iconic british images would attract those wishing to buy into a product that resembled the british lifestyle. However, with more time, I would probably change the design on the bottle due to the fact a Bulldog could suggest the product lacks the scent of beauty and sophistication. I also believe the design lacks a third element to it, with more time I would like to include a person on the far right side of the advert, prehaps a pilot.


  1. Good work Adam- i like the composition of the advert and think that you have used the rule of thirds quite well. In all honesty i am not sure about the name of the product i think it confuses the target audience.
    SNS: Your analysis needs to be more analystical and less descriptive. Aim to use and explain the use of technical compositional features.
    Grade D

  2. Adam

    I have reconsidered your advert and would like to change this to a grade C
