"Essex Boys"Directed by Terry Winsor - (2000)

" Essex Boys" starring sean bean, much like se7en is a dark, tense thriller. Essex boys uses lighting very effectively to give the overall feeling of tension and unease, for this reason I will be focusing mainly on the way director Terry Winsor uses his skill with lighting to draw the viewer into the world he creates and into the twsited brutal lives of the characters invovled.

This opening shot, shows one of the charcters entering a garage. The use of the dark lighting suggests that the room itself represents the dark and mysterious character , the only light seen in this shot is a dim lamp that barely covers the whole room. This could suggest that there is not much hope for the man shown in the shot, he is surrounded by darkness and mystery and prefers to stay in the shadows. Furthermore the way the light is projected from the outside suggests that the garage is being used as a metaphor for all that is bad in the world, and that the charcter is unwillingly walking into this.

The second shot we have here, is a fantastic shot, showing the first meeting of Billy and Jason. As the car wipers remove the dust, jason slowly comes into view through the cars window screen, the way the light is projcected from behind him suggests he is an important character and is also used as a way to tell the viewer that Jason has arrived into Billy's life, whether Billy like it or not. The overall murkiness of this shot also tells us that Jason is a dark and again mysterious character, at the same time it also tells us that he means buisness and is not to be messed with.

The final shot we have here, differs greatly from the others, while the others relied on light comming from un natural sources, such as the lamp, this shot uses all natural lighting to get the desired effect of a barren wasteland. This shot feels much more open, due to the fact the other shots have been in enclosed spaces, such as the garage and inside the car, and therefore it feels a little more hopeful than the other two shots. The way the white van is used in this shot, could be seen as a metaphorical way of representing Jason himself, the van very much like Jason is alone in a barren, empty world and now has to fend for itself.