Original Storyboard Ideas

Here is the original storyboarded idea for our thriller film. The storyboard shows our first piece of planning, which differs greatly from our final thriller outcome. As you can see we kept various generic elements from this idea and used them in our final film. These generic elements include the use of the car boot (particularly a mid shot which features in our final cut) and the use of a femmefatale.
The original idea dramatically changed when we gained a new member to the group and were able to merge our ideas together. This would lead to us creating an idea based around a small shop and basement rather than a large shopping mall. We chose to change the location of our idea due to believing the new location had far more villainous appeal than the initial location. Furthermore, along with new location we introduced new characters and changed the plot heavily to further the feeling of tension and thrill.
Adam you must post your work under the correct Labels otherwise you will lose marks for disorganisation. Audience Research you did with Ms Witting needs to be posted under label G321 Audience Research. All planning must be posted under the Label G321 Planning Thriller and so on. Do be careful.
ReplyDeleteAlso a reminder, your Evaluation (post under Label G321 Evaluation) must be posted onto your blog by April 18th at the latetst. Thanks!