Monday 8 March 2010

Thriller Audience Research

Thriller Research - Role of Woman

For my second thriller research section I decided to host a screening for friends and family of the film "Panic Room" starring Jodie Foster. I decided on this film due to the fact it features strongly the role of two woman - Foster and her daughter - and this links in well with the use of woman in my own thriller production.

My own thriller production is a modern thriller that follows a generic mainstream thriller plotline and that features, much like panic room, a certain area that offers a lot of the action. This being the basement. For my research I decided to ask the people viewing the film a series of multiple choice questions.

These questions are as followed:

1) Does the role of woman effect how you view a film?

2) How does the character played by Jodie Foster contest with generic stereotypes?

3) Do you think mainstream films such as panic room dramatise the role of woman too much?

4) Does Jodie Foster's appearance in various thrillers such as Panic Room, Flightplan and Inside Man make draw you to her latest picture?

5) Do you think independent films push the boundaries in a far greater way than mainstream ones when it comes to the presentation of woman in film?

The Results are as follows:

1) Out of the ten people asked to view the film, eight people said that the role of a woman in a dominent roll makes them view a film differently. Most of these people said that due to it going against gender stereotyping it offers a greater element of suspense and thrill as the woman is less predicatable. Furthermore most of these people argued that a woman in a predatorial/dominent roll makes a film more engaging due to them generally being more emotional attached than a male would.

2) Most people agreed that due to Jodie Fosters character taking a dominent role over the male attackers the film was made more thrilling and exciting. The male robbers were portrayed as clumbsy and foolhardy, while foster was seen as playing the more dominating and clever role. The use of this generic stereotyping role reversal - much like the works of Tarantino's Jackie Brown - meant that the whole film was flipped into a world of unpredicatability and emotional attatchment. On the one hand we saw the cleverness of Fosters ability to stay hidden while deep down we knew at heart she was still a woman and lacked the physical strength to beat off her attackers - this could be seen strongly in the scene where she tries to retrieve her mobile phone - a suspense filled few minutes!

3) The gap between the Yes's and the No's was smaller this time, but it seemed that more people believed that the role of Foster's character had been dramatised too much. Whereas woman in films such as Jackie Brown and Physco were seen to be cunning yet ill-fated at times it seemed the role of Foster in Panic Room made her seem a rather alianted from the outside room, and often made her seem out of touch from reality. Films such as London To Brighton show woman to be devious and cunning but at the same time vulnerable, Panic Room didnt manage this kind of idea quite as well. This could be due to it being a more mainstream film.

4) It seemed that most people agreed a female actor such a Jodie Foster gains support due to her ability to produce various convincing dominent Female roles. This was as I expected, and it also seemed most people believed the characterisation of her roles goes towards making her so successful at what she does. This will be helpful when doing our own thriller as it will enable us to ensure our femmefatale fits the same kind of gender specifics that an actor like Foster does.

5) As expected most people agreed that independent films are far greater at pushing the boundaries in the way they present films. Films like London To Brighton promote woman to be far more real than mainstream films such as panic room. The scenes in London To brighton where prostitution was apparent are far less apparent in bigger budget films and even when they are shown are far less gritty. However people did agree that some films in the mainstream market do promote a breaching of gender boundaries. To go back to films like Jackie Brown and Physco we can see how some directors are willing to show their actors as very much capable of taking on a devious role or playing the predatorial character that would usualy be played by a male.

Overall the screening taught me much about peoples knowledge and understanding of the role of woman in films. Some ideas such as a strong charachter will help me in ensuring the Femmefatale in our film has a strong, powerful attitude about her. Whereas other revelations such as the mainstream / independent divide allowed me to see how farbehind most mainstream directors are in promoting so called taboo ideologies such as prostitution.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting reflection on screening and audience comments. Good reference to female stereotypes and how you will represent women in your own film. Also good comments on different represetnation of women in mainstream/independent film.
