"Kick - Ass"
Director - Matthew Vaughn
From the director of "Stardust" and "The Layer Cake" who also produced iconic british films such as "Lock Stock" and "Snatch" comes the low budget picture - "kick Ass"

I first noticed Kick - Ass back last month when Emprie magazine ran a special article section dedicated to the film. The film at first glance looked average, it had a few recogniseable faces - these being Nicholas Cage, Mark Strong and Christopher Mintz - Plasse, but I must admit I just assumed the film was trying to be a funny version of Watchmen - and would most likely fail. After the first 15 minutes of the film however. I realised I was very wrong!
Friday morning I watched an interview with the Films director and writer Matthew Vaughn, where he explained the various elements of the film, and how the film was actually a low budget British film. With all the recent independent film research we have been doing in class. I thought "Kick Ass" would be well worth a watch.
Lucky enough we were able to grab some advanced screening tickets and on Friday 26th of March at 8:30 we were plunged into the world of "Kick - Ass"
The film started much as expected, the odd gag here and there, with a fimiliar British face around every corner. Infact the first 20minutes of the film was like watching a "Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" reunion! The basis of the story was layed out and already it was clear the film had a lot of inspiration from comic books and graphic novels such as Batman and Watchmen.
Without giving to much away. It was about this point that the film could quite easily have become another low budget Superhero comedy destined for the 2010 Razzies. I mean the plot seems perfect for an awful film - Lonely Kid wants to become a super hero and fight crime, has no super powers but has the will to do so. I mean it hardly sounds like a thrilling ride.
What kick - Ass actually offered however was... just brilliance. All credit to the director and cast who turned the film into the best film experience ive seen in a very long time. Mark Strong who has been one of my favourite actors since RocknRolla continued his stretch of playing the baddy, this time playing the crime boss Frank D'Amico - a mix between Spiderman's King Pin and Brick Top played by Alan Ford in Guy Ritchie's "Snatch." Nicholas Cage as Big Daddy showed given the right script he is still able to play a pretty impressive supporting actor part and Chloe Moretz (Hit Girl) Aaron johnson (Kick - Ass) Christopher Mintz Plasse ( Red Mist ) all showed brilliant acting skill which stopped their characters becomming corny and boring.
The film itself featured some superb cinematography, one of the most noticeable scenes being a whole 5 minutes of complete darkness. The darkness only being broken by a comic book style flash everytime a gunshot went off. The scene was like watching a live Prodigy gig with all the strobe lighting but with the sound of gunshot fire entwined within. Furthermore the various comic book references - from Batman and the Joker - to Spiderman and Mary Jane suggested the film was also a homage to all the comic book greats of old and new.
Finaly when looking at the soundtrack used in the film, we can see how just about everything in "Kick - Ass" was brilliant. From the Prodigy - Omen that played during the early fight scenes to the classical soundtrack (which im sure i heared in "The Dark Knight") the music was perfect. It again made the film feel like a homage to other comic book movies while also keeping the film in a modern age - with the use of modern music.
All in all "Kick - Ass" was superb. A budget of only $28 million and a story line that should have been so corny, made "Kick - Ass" seem like it was destined for failure. However due to some superb acting, even better cinematography and brilliant directing "Kick - Ass" has to be one of my favourite films of the last few years. Lock Stock, Watchmen, Tarantino all rolled into one with a nice layer of british acting skill on top. there isnt really much more to say than...
IMDB 8.7 / 10
Director - Matthew Vaughn
From the director of "Stardust" and "The Layer Cake" who also produced iconic british films such as "Lock Stock" and "Snatch" comes the low budget picture - "kick Ass"

I first noticed Kick - Ass back last month when Emprie magazine ran a special article section dedicated to the film. The film at first glance looked average, it had a few recogniseable faces - these being Nicholas Cage, Mark Strong and Christopher Mintz - Plasse, but I must admit I just assumed the film was trying to be a funny version of Watchmen - and would most likely fail. After the first 15 minutes of the film however. I realised I was very wrong!
Friday morning I watched an interview with the Films director and writer Matthew Vaughn, where he explained the various elements of the film, and how the film was actually a low budget British film. With all the recent independent film research we have been doing in class. I thought "Kick Ass" would be well worth a watch.
Lucky enough we were able to grab some advanced screening tickets and on Friday 26th of March at 8:30 we were plunged into the world of "Kick - Ass"
The film started much as expected, the odd gag here and there, with a fimiliar British face around every corner. Infact the first 20minutes of the film was like watching a "Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" reunion! The basis of the story was layed out and already it was clear the film had a lot of inspiration from comic books and graphic novels such as Batman and Watchmen.
Without giving to much away. It was about this point that the film could quite easily have become another low budget Superhero comedy destined for the 2010 Razzies. I mean the plot seems perfect for an awful film - Lonely Kid wants to become a super hero and fight crime, has no super powers but has the will to do so. I mean it hardly sounds like a thrilling ride.
What kick - Ass actually offered however was... just brilliance. All credit to the director and cast who turned the film into the best film experience ive seen in a very long time. Mark Strong who has been one of my favourite actors since RocknRolla continued his stretch of playing the baddy, this time playing the crime boss Frank D'Amico - a mix between Spiderman's King Pin and Brick Top played by Alan Ford in Guy Ritchie's "Snatch." Nicholas Cage as Big Daddy showed given the right script he is still able to play a pretty impressive supporting actor part and Chloe Moretz (Hit Girl) Aaron johnson (Kick - Ass) Christopher Mintz Plasse ( Red Mist ) all showed brilliant acting skill which stopped their characters becomming corny and boring.
The film itself featured some superb cinematography, one of the most noticeable scenes being a whole 5 minutes of complete darkness. The darkness only being broken by a comic book style flash everytime a gunshot went off. The scene was like watching a live Prodigy gig with all the strobe lighting but with the sound of gunshot fire entwined within. Furthermore the various comic book references - from Batman and the Joker - to Spiderman and Mary Jane suggested the film was also a homage to all the comic book greats of old and new.
Finaly when looking at the soundtrack used in the film, we can see how just about everything in "Kick - Ass" was brilliant. From the Prodigy - Omen that played during the early fight scenes to the classical soundtrack (which im sure i heared in "The Dark Knight") the music was perfect. It again made the film feel like a homage to other comic book movies while also keeping the film in a modern age - with the use of modern music.
All in all "Kick - Ass" was superb. A budget of only $28 million and a story line that should have been so corny, made "Kick - Ass" seem like it was destined for failure. However due to some superb acting, even better cinematography and brilliant directing "Kick - Ass" has to be one of my favourite films of the last few years. Lock Stock, Watchmen, Tarantino all rolled into one with a nice layer of british acting skill on top. there isnt really much more to say than...
IMDB 8.7 / 10